Mot du président
Vous oeuvrez nous sécurisons vos actions
La raison d’être de PREVAXE est la pleine satisfaction du mandat que lui donnent les entreprises, les professionnels et les particuliers pour représenter leurs intérêts en matière de gestion de leur sécurité financière auprès du marché très technique et fermé des compagnies d’assurances.
PREVAXE est non seulement outillée de ressources humaines et compétences quasiment uniques sur le marché du Risk Management marocain, mais elle œuvre sans cesse pour innover dans l’approche globale de Sécurité Financière.
PREVAXE donne à l’acte d’entreprendre la sérénité nécessaire à son développement.
+212 522 23 16 25
Service client
Achetez votre assurance intelligement !
Assurances pour particuliers
Besoin d'assurance pour ?
Life Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Life Insurance
Home Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Home Insurance
Health Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Health Insurance
Business Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Business Insurance
Marriage Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Marriage Insurance
Car Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Car Insurance
Life Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Life Insurance
Home Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Home Insurance
Health Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Health Insurance
Business Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Business Insurance
Marriage Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Marriage Insurance
Car Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Car Insurance
Achetez votre assurance intelligement !
Assurances pour professionnels
Besoin d'assurance pour ?
Life Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Life Insurance
Home Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Home Insurance
Health Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Health Insurance
Business Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Business Insurance
Marriage Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Marriage Insurance
Car Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Car Insurance
Life Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Life Insurance
Home Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Home Insurance
Health Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Health Insurance
Business Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Business Insurance
Marriage Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Marriage Insurance
Car Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Car Insurance
Achetez votre assurance intelligement !
Assurances pour entreprises
Besoin d'assurance pour ?
Life Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Life Insurance
Home Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Home Insurance
Health Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Health Insurance
Business Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Business Insurance
Marriage Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Marriage Insurance
Car Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Car Insurance
Life Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Life Insurance
Home Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Home Insurance
Health Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Health Insurance
Business Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Business Insurance
Marriage Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Marriage Insurance
Car Insurance
Our customers get solutions and business opportunities instead of just projects.
Car Insurance
Why choose Us?
We serve a wide variety of industries
Below is just a small sample of some of the industries that we serve.
Company Mission
Awards Winner
Using Softwares
Touching Lives Through Technology
Fingent's Four Pillars of Influence
We believe in four pillars of influence that drive our growth. This is ingrained in everything we do We use technology to create a better and smarter environment.
Touching Lives Through Technology
Fingent's Four Pillars of Influence
We believe in four pillars of influence that drive our growth. This is ingrained in everything we do We use technology to create a better and smarter environment.
Touching Lives Through Technology
Fingent's Four Pillars of Influence
We believe in four pillars of influence that drive our growth. This is ingrained in everything we do We use technology to create a better and smarter environment.
Vous oeuvrez, nous sécurisons vos actions !
de création
Clients professionnels
et particuliers
You have better things to do than worry about IT for your small business. Let’s Discuss about Project.
Vous oeuvrez, nous sécurisons vos actions !
de création
Clients professionnels
et particuliers
You have better things to do than worry about IT for your small business. Let’s Discuss about Project.
Nos Clients
Ils nous font confiance
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Get a insurance quote – typically in 2 minutes or less. Switch to Alico for an insurance policy from a brand you can trust.
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Our Latest Blog
22 octobre 2023
La tempête « Bernard » frappe violemment une partie du Maroc, causant des perturbations majeures
Le Maroc a été secoué par une tempête violente le dimanche 22 octobre, connue sous le nom de « Bernard ». Cette tempête, caractérisée par…
22 octobre 2023
Le Maroc touché par de fortes rafales de vent provoquées par la tempête « Bernard »
Le Maroc est frappé depuis ce matin par de fortes rafales de vent qui vont atteindre les 100 km/h. Plusieurs témoins ont rapporté que des…
18 septembre 2023
Assurance séisme : pas de panique pour les zones rurales
Gouverner, c’est prévoir. Cette maxime s’applique à la perfection aux actions de l’Exécutif, notamment dans le domaine de l’assurance séisme au Maroc. Si le tremblement…
17 septembre 2023
Séisme: quel en sera l’impact sur les compagnies d’assurances?
Le séisme d’Al Haouz aura-t-il des conséquences sur les compagnies d’assurances? Robert Mazzuoli, directeur du groupe d’assurance Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique (EMOA) de Fitch Ratings,…
15 septembre 2023
Wafa Assurance : bénéfice stables à 550 MDH au 1er semestre 2023
Wafa Assurance affiche de bonnes performances au premier semestre. A fin juin dernier, son chiffre d’affaires consolidé atteint 6,53 milliards de DH, en hausse de 10,8% sur un…
5 septembre 2023
SanlamAllianz reçoit l’approbation réglementaire pour sa fusion majeure
SanlamAllianz, la coentreprise entre l’assureur sud-africain Sanlam et l’assureur et gestionnaire d’actifs allemand Allianz, a obtenu le feu vert réglementaire pour sa fusion historique. Cette…